Friday, 18 March 2016

Bee and Butterfly Border (BBB)

Friday, 18th March and the weather looks fine for our morning of planting. Kevin transports the plants and equipment to Rhydypenau Park and a large number of the Friends arrive to help out.
The first school fails to arrive and we decide to get on with things: the climbers (jasmine, clematis and honeysuckle), shrubs (buddleia, hebe, lavender and rosemary) are placed into their positions and the area around is raked.
The first wild flower plugs (66 of them) are planted and holes are dug ready for the larger plant; a noise heralds the arrival of Ton yr Ywen school pupils and teachers. A preparatory talk on the reasons for planting the area and the need to handle tools carefully and then they're off!
The climbers and shrubs are planted by the Y6 pupils, and Y4 and 5 get going on the 300 hedgerow and clay soil plants supplied by Buglife. Finally, they plant the flowers they have brought along, and put together and position some "bug hotels".

A momentary distraction.....

 Our thanks to the children who were enthusiastic and cooperative and beavered away for 2 hours (including the lunch and exercise break).
My personal thanks to the Friends who are always very tolerant and supportive of my projects and also to KWT who provided the grant for tools and plants, and Buglife for the plugs.