Monday 12 October 2015

Work Days

The next three work days : -

October 25th - We will be clearing invasive scrub from the meadows and cutting grass within the small experimental orchard in the Rhydyblewin area. There will also be an opportunity to sow wildflower seed in preparation for the spring. Meet at the Blackoak Road entrance adjacent to Rhydyblewin Farm (next to no. 81) 

November 22nd - It's that time of year where all of the drainage channels within Woods Covert get blocked with leaves, so we will be clearing the channels to help the water flow into the stream. For those that would rather avoid the mud the bramble encroaching onto the meadows will also need to be cut back. Meet at the bridge off Heol Esgyn.

December 20th - Installing alder matting to some of the explorer posts adjacent to the Rhydypenau Pond area to create a dry stable surface to walk on. Mulled wine and mince pies to follow! Meet at the Reservoir Car Park off of Rhydypenau Road (next to no.127)

Meet at 10 a.m. for the two hour session. If you haven't been before, please wear wellies or suitable footwear and bring waterproofs (it is now autumn!).