Monday, 23 February 2015

Working with the Council Rangers and RSPB

We were able to work with council rangers (i.e. Kevin!) to support the RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch at Rhydypenau junior school. Carolyn Robertson, the RSPB representative, met with a few of us to discuss ways that we may be able to expand on the children's experiences, and we came up with a plan!
Wednesday, February 11th saw 60 Y4 pupils completing the RSPB birdwatch in the school grounds. 
A number of the Friends then met up with the groups, and accompanied them into the Nant Fawr area near to the school grounds. 

The children were able to continue their birdwatch in a number of different habitats - tree creepers and a nuthatch were amongst the species spotted! 

The event was judged a success by all and it is hoped that this format may be rolled out to other schools.
I would like to thank the Friends who were involved, and those who volunteered but were unable to make it on the day. We hope that we can continue to work with the RSPB, for our mutual benefit. It is also our hope that this sort of collaboration will not be stopped because of the cutbacks in the Ranger services!
Talking about birds, if you want to find out more about bird songs there are now "apps" that you can download - one of the people recording for one called Chirp! (on itunes) was recently out recording in Woods Covert!