Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Work Day October 19th 2014

Sunshine again!
A group of 17 workers gathered at the bridge near Heol Esgyn for another two hours work. This is the time for winter maintenance and ditch digging to improve drainage from the paths is one of the priorities.
The good weather this year has resulted in rapid plant growth, some of which unwanted! A team set out to reclaim some overgrown areas from the brambles- not many emerged totally unscathed (including Hilary and her broken shears!).
The third task was to continue our efforts to increase biodiversity. Two large areas were dug out and yellow rattle seeds were sown. These flowers help to reduce grass growth and allow other wild flowers to become established.
This is a long term project throughout the Nant Fawr area and we hope our meadow areas will attract more pollinators over the years.