Sunday, 22 April 2018

Workday, April 22nd 2018

The rain held off as 14 of us turned up for a couple of hours work. The most significant event was the installation of the first of our new noticeboards.

 As one group tackled the excavation of the holes for the supports, another group put together one of the new double boards. This is the first of the nine boards to be erected, courtesy of the Heritage Lottery Fund grant.
The rest of the volunteers planted the remainder of the plugs and plants bought with the grant from Greggs - Echinacea, Ragged Robin and Red Campion. They also seeded an area (wild flower seed from Grow Wild) which had been cleared in the recent work by Welsh Water Dwr Cymru, and cut back the brambles around the orchard in Rhydypenau Meadow.