Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Workday, February 18th 2018

Although a bit damp and muddy underfoot, 16 volunteers turned up at the old reservoir car park. After a short walk to the bottom meadow the work parties were formed.
The first group tackled the path; this had narrowed considerably and the remainder was mainly covered in mud. The mud was scraped away and the path sides rediscovered by digging! It was disappointing when a runner decided to shout comments about the pointlessness of our efforts - no doubt he was unaware that the path he was using was laid as a result of hard work by the Friends, and he would have been unable to use the path at all if it hadn't been for the continuing efforts of the volunteers! At least the majority of comments we receive are appreciative.
The undergrowth and some trees to the side of the path were cut back by a second group so that the path was passable.
A third group tackled the plants surrounding the bench nearby. Brambles were cut back and the tree saplings thinned out.
There will be just one more attack on the undergrowth in the Nant Fawr area before we turn our sights on other tasks as the bird breeding season arrives.