Monday, 3 July 2017

Family Fun Day, July 2nd 2017

The sun shone brightly as we set up the tables for this year's Family Fun Day. The Rangers, Cardiff University students (and Prof!), volunteers from RSPB, and volunteers from the Friends of Nant Fawr, prepared for a busy day.
Gareth and Kevin working hard
Jane, Chris and Dulcie (the scone maker!)
The Stream Shuffle proved popular, as usual, and the microscopes revealed the detail of the catches, including that of possibly the largest bullhead fish caught in this stream!

What a catch!
The sweep nets were wielded (somewhat dangerously at times!) and the the various invertebrates were identified.
Many families carried on to follow the Explorer Trail around Rhydypenau Park and Woods, although the crayons for the plaque rubbings turned a little soft in the warmth of the sun.
The Scavenger Hunt yielded some prizes and the most difficult items to find proved to be the items of "man made rubbish"; a good reflection on the general lack of litter in the area.
A few families brought their picnics and a couple of families were spied in the local pub over the lunch hour!
Spot the boys!
It was rewarding to see many of the families spending a couple of hours together, enjoying the local environment. Five new households took out membership and we very much hope that they continue to visit the area.
Many thanks to the people who gave up a large chunk of their Sunday to support this venture.