Saturday, 16 July 2016

Big butterfly count

Join in with big butterfly count 2016 from 15 July - 7 August.

Simply count butterflies for 15 minutes during bright (preferably sunny) weather. Records are welcome from anywhere: from parks, school grounds and gardens, to fields and forests.
If you are counting from a fixed position in your garden, count the maximum number of each species that you can see at a single time. For example, if you see three Red Admirals together on a buddleia bush then record it as 3, but if you only see one at a time then record it as 1 (even if you saw one on several occasions) – this is so that you don’t count the same butterfly more than once .
 If you are doing your count on a walk, then simply total up the number of each butterfly species that you see during the 15 minutes.
Not sure what they are? 
Download a simple guide from