Friday, 24 April 2020

April in Nant Fawr

Our Vice Chairman, Stephen Howe has been reporting back following his walks in the area.

All seems well,although some of the paths have understandably been used excessively recently by walkers and cyclists and there will be much to be done to restore them to decent condition when the time comes.
He says  “ The woods are looking amazing at the moment. Hawthorn and Bird Cherry are now in bloom along with a carpet of Ramsons (wild garlic) in places especially in Woods Covert. Where we flattened the bracken in Rhydypenau Meadow, clumps of Wood Anemone and Bluebells have appeared which is nice to see. The Marsh Marigolds have been impressive this year both near Cardiff High School and beside Rhydyblewin Farm, where they were planted by Llanishen High School pupils. The orchard trees are flowering well, so we will hopefully have a good crop later. At the moment, Blackcrops are in all of the wooded areas along with Chiffchaffs. We also seem to have a high population of Nuthatch  and the amount of birdsong at the moment is amazing”.